Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern

Bourdain Tickets
(Pre-show drinks at The Depot Tavern)
Last weekend I got the chance to see one of my food idols, Anthony Bourdain, speak at the State Theatre in Minneapolis and it was pretty amazing. I became acquainted with Mr. Bourdain a few years ago when I started watching No Reservations religiously on Netflix. He is definitely one of the major reasons I blossomed into a full-blown foodie. Bourdain taught me that even if something sounds gross and/or looks gross, it doesn’t mean it tastes gross. For example, lamb brain. Sounds pretty disgusting, huh? It is actually very delicious, and I would have never sought it out if it weren’t for Anthony Bourdain. Now I am on this crazy quest to try every adventurous food I can get my hands on. Let me know if you have any recommendations!
But enough background and on to the show. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew Bourdain would be speaking as well as Minnesota’s own, Andrew Zimmern, host of Bizarre Foods and Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre World. The stage was set up intimately with three club chairs and a coffee table filled with booze all anchored on a big Persian rug. As soon as I began wondering who the third chair was for, out came another local celebrity, Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl, a food writer for MPLS ST PAUL magazine. After slightly flubbing her way through introductions, Anthony, Andrew and Dara were all seated in their leather chairs and the show began.
Bourdain View
(Above is the view from my very far away balcony seat. This is the best photo I could eek out of my camera due to the slow lens and low light of the venue.)
Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl was the conversation facilitator. At times she came off as slightly aloof and too cool, often butting in the middle of a story with an unfunny quip. Although I highly respect her writing, in the end I decided she was as unnecessary to the show as a non-alcoholic beverage would be for Bourdain. Tony and Andrew are old friends and would have had no problem steering their conversation along. Bourdain and Zimmern both spoke of their past drugs days with stories that were humorous, biting and poignant. They also talked about their individual shows as well as other chefs. Zimmern added that when he and his crew are talking the conversation ultimately veers towards “shit, tits and clowns”. All in all, it was a great show. Both Bourdain and Zimmern are likable, funny guys who truly love what they do. I would definitely recommend buying tickets if Bourdain is coming to your town. Now go eat some lamb brain!

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